HISTORY OF A SMALL SECTION OF HUNTERS In 1960 a small group of hunters to two neighboring villages (and Forrottoli Santonuovo) in the Municipality of Quarrata, decided to form a Sub Section of FIDC (Italian Federation of the Hunt). Composed of directors of both countries. After a few years to differences of opinion among the directors, the two countries decide to divide. Santonuovo hunters remained in the minority as number of directors decided to form a new Chamber Hall. The biggest problem was that the statute of Federcaccia required a minimum of fifty signatures of approval by the hunters. The small group of hunters Santonuovo comprising: Ilio Gori Mario Gori Cigheri Peter, Walter and Lucie Maccioni Chiti went in search of signatures required and good long exceeded the allowed number. It 's so that the Chamber was founded Municipal Santonuovo.
In 1966 he formed the new section and the new council began the implementation of various activities, in fact, will open the first quagliodromo of the Province of Pistoia. Where hunters in hunting season closed able to practice their hunting with his friend Auxiliary.
For several years in the country of Santonuovo when the season began to be felt warmer is organizing the Festival of the Hunter. Recalling a substantial number of people interested in the type of event. Was cooked dishes Hunter and children had places where you can play and run freely. Also during the hunt was organized a bus, where hunters interested in hunting days spent outside the region. Thanks to all the hunters Santonuovo section is still rising as the number of members. The various processing activities over the years, right up to the present day, when the new generation of hunters under the advice of even the most senior of the council, decides to apply the changes in sports as well as events. In fact, in 2001, will open training dogs to stop and look called "White Stone" place in the area between the soil and Santonuovo Montemagno, you extends for about twenty-five acres (including forests, stubble, hills and olive groves). This area used by hunters in the hunting season closed, where it can train its auxiliary on pheasants, partridges, quails and partridges. Also organize competitions on game released for the purpose of permanent resettlement.
Also in the usual year, the board decides that the Feast of the Hunter had to change appearance. First, it was decided a name more rural RURAL SHOW ", then how to set the whole event. The thought of directors was able to create a place where you can bring nature, leisure and sport. There was a place where you can do all this, with the consent of the owner, you could arrange the "RURAL SHOW" Lake Santonuovo. In fact, the magnificent backdrop of the lake served as the setting for performances with dogs, horses, performances of all kinds, play with the bow and shoots the gun at moving targets, displays, etc.. They were months of hard work, not only for members Santonuovo hunters but also for their wives, children and friends. Thanks to the work of all the event managed very well, counting 20,000 admissions. Every year in June the habit of carrying out the "RURAL SHOW", maintaining a very high attendance of spectators.
the end of 2007, the Division of hunters Santonuovo counts 400 members and boasts one of the top positions throughout the Federcaccia of Pistoia. As we can not thank the small group of hunters of long ago ', which due to their desire to create and to do, we who have only followed in their footsteps we have become who we are.