This cake is a specialty of Ferrara. It 's really

100 gr.
butter 100 gr.
sugar 50 gr.
flour 250 gr. dark chocolate
50 gr.
milk 3 eggs - a pinch of salt - a teaspoon of grated ginger (my addition) - a teaspoon of vanilla (my addition)
Preheat oven to 200 degrees.
Make chocolate into pieces and then melt it with milk and butter in the microwave 2 minutes. Mix well to form a smooth paste and let cool.
Whip the egg yolks with sugar until it forms a cream white and frothy, and add the flour, ginger and vanilla while continuing to mount. Add cream and chocolate. Whip the egg whites with a pinch of salt and add to mixture, stirring slowly with a silicone spatula.
Pour into a baking pan about 26 cm. butter, lower the oven temperature to 160 degrees and cook for 25 minutes. Leave in oven for 5 minutes with the door ajar. Allow to cool another 15 minutes. Remove from pan and cool completely. Sprinkle the cake with icing sugar. Serve lukewarm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or crème anglaise. The cake can be heated in the microwave a few seconds.