I state that I do not use many products, but I try to treat them always, especially with forms and compresses.
Here, in order, the steps I do for my Hair Care :
1 - Compress pre-shampoo
Sometimes I pre-packs of shampoo. I have no one in particular, because I like change very often.
I must say that the method I use most is the pack with linseed oil. I apply all the hair fairly abundant, covering them with plastic wrap or a shower cap and leave on for at least half an hour before proceeding with the shampoo.
2 - Shampoo
Yet here I like to change a lot! Once used those found in the house, but with the passage of time, I realized that every person's hair is different, and that they behave differently than all other people, so I decided to go in search of SHAMPOO PERFECT for me! = P
maybe I have not yet found the best, but let's say I am working in research!
I have used various brands, even those with silicone and the crap inside, but when I learned the truth about the INCI, well I decided to change. I wanted to find a meeting point between silicone and EcoBio, and I must say that we are quite successful.
I used the shampoo in Provence during the flaxseed which I found very well, but two other shampoo that I use for a while and I continue to buy back, these are two of the NIVEA:
Nivea Energy Fresh Nivea Diamond Gloss &

us with these two I feel very comfortable, smooth hair, making them soft and fragrant lucendi but above them! ! PROMOTED =) (once a week instead of shampoo, I use the cowash! I'll talk about below in the post-packs of shampoo)
3 - Balsamo
and how not to love my delicious balm Splend'or COCONUT ? has become famous for its quality is really good, smooth the hair, detangles but most of them smell so heavenly COCONUT! =) try it;)
4 - packs post-shampoo When I do pre-packs shampoo, do those post-shampoo more often, because they are faster to use =)
too much change here, but I always made with ingredients easily found in the house! such as the pack made with a tablespoon of conditioner to the hair (Splend'or forever =)), a tablespoon of cocoa powder and one of olive oil. to hold a pose for five minutes after shampooing. and then rinse with plenty of water! AMAZING! try it and let me know! =)
a week I do the wrap (or pre-or post-shampoo shampoo) and a week do the cowash instead of shampoo. I try to alternate them not to apply too much hair.
for the uninitiated the cowash is a different way to wash my hair without using shampoo, all natural and inexpensive. just mix a generous amount of conditioner without silicone (the Splend'or is perfect), with a spoonful of white sugar and a tablespoon of brown sugar. Apply liberally all over hair and massage. Rinse well with warm water and you're done! =) And fed the best smelling hair.
5 - Protector
not use the plate very often, because first of all not good for the hair and then maybe you prefer to use it only on weekends or when I have to have perfect hair, smooth or wavy-curly.
hair must be protected, thus the heat of the plate, but also from that of the dryer, and for this I use the protector of the provost Frank, very good. smooth the hair and makes them really shiny.

This was my hair care! have you tried a few products that I listed? or to recommend you wrap?
let me know! =)

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