Monday, February 14, 2011

How Long For Aluminum To Corrode In Trailers

Tags: This or that? My

Buongiornooo! From the post talented SoniaRossa =)=):
* blush or bronzer: BLUSH
* lipgloss or lipstick: lipgloss, is more portable!
* mascara or eyeliner: mascara, make-up makes the most beautiful and lengthens lashes
* foundation or concealer: correction =)
or neutral colored eyeshadow *: Both .. depends on the opportunities
* pressed eye shadow or powder: Pressed! moooolto are more comfortable
* wipes or brushes: brushes, belonging to the foundation that I use the sponge
* French or plain: plain =) =)
* Long or short: short but not too much. must be portable
* acrylic or natural absolutely NATURAL
* dark tones or bright colors: colors lit
* shimmer or matt: matt but also better shimmer =)
* perfume or essence: Perfume
* butter lotion or body butter body
* soap or shower gel: Both
* Lush or other companies: Both
* jeans or overalls jeans
* dress or skirt vestitiiiiniiii =)
* fancy striped or plaid: strips
* sandals or flip-flops: flip flops
scarf or hat *: scarf
* small earrings or pendant: Both
* bracelet or necklace: necklace
* heels or flat shoes: It depends on the moments
* cowboy boots or riding: Cowboy
* sweatshirt or jacket: Fleece
* bershka or H & M h & m!!
* Curly or straight: straight
* gathered in a bun or ponytail: ponytail
* pins or small springs: hairpins
* gel or spray fixative: spray fixative
* Long or short: lunghiii
* bangs or side units: side fringe
* pulled up or loose: loose
* storm or cold weather: storm
* esate or winter: both = P
* spring or fall: spring
* chocolate or vanilla: depends
* Coffee or tea: both
* sweet or salty: sweet
* love or money: love love love love love
* car or scooter: macchinaaa
* wine or beer, wine!


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